Researcher unique identifiers and metrics

  • h-index: 30 (Web of Science) / 33 (Google Scholar); i10-index (Google Scholar): 51

Selected publications (last 5 years)

•    Milivojev N., Velastegui Gamboa CL, Andreatta G, Raible F@ and Tessmar-Raible K@ (2024). A c-opsin functions in a ciliary-marginal zone-like stem cell region of an invertebrate camera-type eye, bioRxiv:
•    Ritter A@, Tessmar-Raible K.@ (2024). Time me by the moon : The evolution and function of lunar timing systems. EMBO Rep. 25(8):3169-3176.
•    Häfker NS, Holcik L, Mat AM, Ćorić A, Vadiwala K, Beets I, Stockinger AW, Atria CE, Hammer S, Revilla-I-Domingo R, Schoofs L, Raible F, Tessmar-Raible K@ (2024). Molecular circadian rhythms are robust in marine annelids lacking rhythmic behavior. PLoS Biol. Apr 11;22(4):e3002572.
•    Mat A, Hong, Hong HV, Wolf E, Tessmar-Raible K@ (2024). All light, everywhere? Photoreceptors at non-conventional sites. Physiology Jan 1;39(1):0.
•    Häfker NS*, Andreatta G*, Manzotti A*, Falciatore A@, Raible F@ and Tessmar-Raible K@ (2023). Rhythms and clocks in marine organisms. Annual Reviews in Marine Science, Jan 16;15:509-538.
•    M. Zurl, B. Poehn, D. Rieger, S. Krishnan, D. Rokvić, V. B. V. Rajan, E. Gerrard, M. Schlichting, L. Orel, A. Ćorić, R. J. Lucas, E. Wolf, C. Helfrich-Förster@, F. Raible@, K. Tessmar-Raible@ (2022). Two light sensors decode moonlight versus sunlight to adjust a plastic circadian/circalunidian clock to moon phase. Proc National Acad Sci 119, e2115725119.
•    Poehn B*, Krishnan S*, Zurl M, Coric A, Rokvic D, Orel L, Raible F, Wolf E@ and Tessmar-Raible K@ (2022) A Cryptochrome adopts distinct moon- and sunlight states and functions as moonlight interpreter in monthly oscillator entrainment. Nat Commun. Sep 5;13(1):5220.
•    Zekoll T, Waldherr M, Tessmar-Raible, K.@  (2021) Characterization of tmt-opsin2 in medaka fish provides insight into the interplay of light and temperature for behavioral regulation. Front. Physiol. 12, 726941.
•    Revilla-i-Domingo R, Veedin Rajan VB, Waldherr M, Prohaczka G, Musset H, Orel L, Gerrard E, Smolka M, Farlik M, Lucas RJ, Raible F@ and Kristin Tessmar-Raible@ (2021) Characterization of cephalic and non-cephalic sensory cell types provides insight into joint photo- and mechanoreceptor evolution. eLife Aug 5;10:e66144.
•    Veedin Rajan VB, Häfker NS, Arboleda E, Poehn B, Gossenreiter T, Gerrard E, Hofbauer M, Mühlestein C, Bileck A, Gerner C, Ribera d'Alcala M, Buia MC, Hartl M, Lucas RJ and Tessmar-Raible K@ (2021) Seasonally relevant UVA light alters neurohormone amounts and behavior via a ciliary opsin in a marine mass spawning annelid. Nat. Ecol & Evol, Jan 11;
•    Fontinha, BM, Zekoll, T, Gallach, M,  Reithofer, F, Barker,AJ, Hofbauer,M, Fischer,RM, von Haeseler,A, Baier, H, Tessmar-Raible, K@ (2021) TMT-Opsins differentially modulate medaka brain function in a context-dependent manner, PLoS Biology Jan 7;19(1):e3001012.
•    Andreatta, G and Tessmar-Raible, K@  (2020) The still dark side of the moon: molecular mechanisms of lunar-controlled rhythms and clocks. J. Mol. Biol. May 29;432(12):3525-3546.
•    Häfker, NS and Tessmar-Raible, K@ (2020) Are the times changin’? Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. Curr Opin Neurobiol., Feb;60:55-66.